In our Blog One Flesh Marriage we have shared about books that have impacted our marriage.
On these pages Kate and Brad will share:
Our favorite books,
what we are reading now,
and book reviews.
Hope you enjoy!

December 3, 2010

Love & Respect

Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs
This is a great book with a lot of truth.  If focuses on Ephesians 5:33, "However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband."  Eggerich points out the differences between the command to “Love” a wife, and to “Respect” the husband.  I think Eggerich is on target, and delivers a very helpful look at how to love and how to give respect. 

Only one problem.  I have seen this book backfire.  When a man reads the “respect” section of the book, or a woman reads the “love” section they will often put the book down with a sour taste in their mouth.   They recognize that their spouse is not meeting this goal, and then the feel a hole.  A hole that is now abundantly clear.   My suggestion is for couples to ONLY read the section geared to the opposite gender.  Men only read the Love sections; women only read the Respect sections.  Then focus on the truths found in these pages and how you can apply them to your spouse.   Read in this way I highly recommend this great resource!